Image of the SunTrec Room showing a table surrounded by chairs, a white board and bookshelf

ESE Colloquium

Empirical Software Engineering

Welcome to ESE-Colloquium, our almost weekly appointment for talks on software engineering research. We host presentations of works by our students (including, but not limited to, thesis presentations and research or implementation projects), our research team, and invited guests.

Attending the Colloquium

The ESE-Colloquium is currently being held as a hybrid event. Our regular schedule is:
Every Monday, from 10:30 to 12:00, room 1.212, Universitätsstraße 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany.

Joining via Zoom
is also possible at:

Attending the Colloquium is free to the public. No registration is required, and we welcome external attendees!

Infos and Rules

  • The ESE Colloquium is held in English, the language of (computer) science
  • Proposals
    • for presentations about student works should be sent to their own supervisors.
    • for any other presentation can be sent to Marvin Muñoz Barón.
  • Intermediate Presentation (Zwischenvortrag)
    • 10 min presentation + 10 min discussion
    • Only BSc and MSc theses, ~4-6 weeks in
  • Final Presentation (Abschlussvortrag)
    • 20 min presentation + 10 min discussion
    • All project types, ~6 months in (usually, 1-2 weeks after the deadline)
  • Please stick to your allocated time!
  • Test your devices: Arrive at least 10 minutes before the colloquium starts to test your devices and presentation. You may ask your supervisor for room access. Make sure you have a device with an HDMI port and working internet access.
  • Join the WebEx meeting (link above) before the colloquium. Even if you are giving your talk in person, you should share your slides with the virtual audience. Don't forget to mute your audio and microphone.
  • Stay within the specified time limits: 10+10 min for intermediate and 20+10 min for final presentations. If you go over the limit, your talk may be cut short.
  • Know your audience: The ESE colloquium is intended to be an open discussion platform for software engineering researchers. To get valuable feedback, you should include things such as the context, research questions, methodology, and threats to the validity of your research.
  • Schedule a presentation at least two weeks in advance.
  • Enter the date, thesis type, title, presenter(s), and supervisor(s) yourself via OpenCMS. If you have issues, please contact your IT administrator or the colloquium organizer.
  • If possible, final and intermediate talks should be mixed. Avoid having three final presentations in the same colloquium.
  • On the day of the presentation, please support your student in setting up their presentation. Arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of the colloquium. Then, make sure they...
    1. ... have the slides ready on a device with an HDMI port.
    2. ... are connected to the internet on this device and have joined the WebEx room.



This image shows Marvin Muñoz Barón

Marvin Muñoz Barón


Teaching and Research Assistant, Doctoral Candidate

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