Our methods help software architects, developers, and operators to design systems efficiently to meet their quality reqirements and to help them monitor and ensure them at runtime.

SQA Group

Software Quality and Architecture

The Software Quality and Architecture Group deals with almost all aspects of engineering software quality. We develop methods, languages, and tools to model, analyse, or enforce quality requirements of software systems.

Research Objectives

The Software Quality and Architecture Group deals with methods, languages, and tools to engineer the quality of software systems. Software quality is the level to which a software system meets its requirements beyond the functional correctness, i.e., performance, reliability, safety, maintainability, scalability, elasticity, cost- and energy-efficiency, etc. Our methods help software architects, developers, and operators to design systems efficiently to meet their quality requirements and to help them monitor and ensure them at runtime.

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We are involved in teaching computer science, software engineering, and related study programmes, both on the bachelor and master level. Our main teaching subjects cover software engineering, software quality, software architecture, and requirements engineering. We teach in lectures, seminars, practial labs, and when supervising student theses.

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This image shows Steffen Becker

Steffen Becker

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Head of the Software Quality and Architecture Group

[Image: U. Regenscheit / University of Stuttgart]

Elisabeth Ibach


Secretary of the Software Quality and Architecture Group (Prof. Becker)

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