Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Becker Head of the Software Quality and Architecture Group Phone: +49 711 685 88273 E-Mail
Dr. Matthias Heizmann Head of the Empirical Software Engineering Group (Substitute Professor) Phone: +49 711 685 88455 E-Mail
Prof. Dr. sc. Michael Pradel Head of Software Lab, Executive Director of the Institute of Software Engineering Phone: +49 711 685 88320 E-Mail
Katharina Plett Secretary of the Empirical Software Engineering Group (Prof. Wagner) and of the Software Lab: Program Analysis (Prof. Pradel) Phone: +49 711 685 88355 E-Mail
Elisabeth Ibach Secretary of the Software Quality and Architecture Group (Prof. Becker) Phone: +49 711 685 88471 E-Mail